
Just a few days late for this update. But guess I'd better not strain my arm patting myself on the back! Who knows how long this will last?

Could a just-past Christmas visit with great -grandsons have something to with this unwonted energy burst? Could be, plus the fact I'll be seeing one of them more regularly for a while. Be still, my heart!


I suppose, since a big reason I began this website eons ago was to talk about writing, I might mention something about it. For about six months it lay 'a moldering' (if you don't recognize that phrase, maybe you could look up the old, real old, song, 'John Brown's Body') and I wondered if I would ever find the inclination to pick it up again. Thankfully, the answer has been - YES.

I've been re-reading and doing some revising on three, yes, three novels in my first series, The Royce Thorne Mysteries.

Poor Royce. Her first adventure has been in print twice but is out-of-print at present. Rough drafts of her next two have been finished, after a fashion, for a while. I've just never gotten to them and finished getting them ready for release. They will all be released in order soon, I hope, depending on cover decisions. I have created all three, but not absolutely sure I want to stick with all of them. Must make up my mind.

stack of books


Sylvia's dream writing space!

I really did used to dream of having a small building in my back yard dedicated to my writing. A place where I could sit and write. Watch the birds. Listen to the rain. Burn up the computer keys when that idea for the great American novel struck me like lightning. As you may have guessed, it didn't happen. But I have managed to produce a dozen or so books of varying lengths and subjects. Mostly mysteries, my favorite genre.